Scaling education businesses to eight figures and beyond...

Co-Founder @ Subatomic | We partner with Education Companies to increase their monthly revenue and profitability 2x in 12 months | Previously CEO of a global education company and played a pivotal role in growing it to $75m revenue in 5 years.

Steve Olejnik Speaking Portrait
Trusted By Leading Education Companies Around the Globe
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My proven results...

  • CEO, co-owner and pivotal driver of growing global online education business from 0 to $75m in 5 years (at 40% net profit).
  • Drove acquisition of 15,000 paying students from 47 countries (incl 1000 high-end coaching program students).
  • $2.5b in eCommerce sales by students (verified).
  • Produced a truly world-class online course, with over 250 videos produced at TV-quality, hosted on a fully bespoke Learning Management System (LMS).
  • Designed and executed a high-end coaching program with diversified coaches which scaled successfully and easefully to 1,000 high-end clients.
  • Sent over 100 million marketing and content emails.
  • Played a pivotal role in recruiting and training 50+ A-level team in 6 continents across marketing, sales, videography, photography, copywriting, event director, customer success, JV/affiliate partner and C-suite roles.
  • Oversaw $10m+ in paid social adverts reaching 16m+ people globally.
  • Planned and executed numerous multi-million dollar in-person & live-streamed business events eg $2m budget resulting in $2m ticket sales (2500pax) + $5m info product sales in 3 days.
Joe Olejnik Steve Olejnik Strategy
Steve Olejnik Speaking at Mastermind
Joe Olejnik Steve Olejnik With Team
Joe Olejnik Steve Olejnik Producing Major Event
Steve Olejnik Community at Event
Steve Olejnik Rehearsing for Keynote
Steve Olejnik Appointed as CEO

What I do...

As co-founder of Subatomic, I lead a company that partner with Education Companies to increase their monthly revenue and profitability 2x in 12 months.

Here are just a few of the ways we help education companies achieve those results...

  • Grow revenue – Plan and execute marketing initiatives to drive Student base growth
  • Streamline operations – Student onboarding, support, content production etc
  • Tech automation – Use technology for better Student experience and more easeful delivery
  • Community management – Planning and fostering engaged, valuable Student communities
  • Team recruitment & onboarding – Finding, recruiting, onboarding and training true A-players
  • Program design – Designing and implementing world-class educational programs that drive Student results and satisfaction
  • Event execution – Planning and executing Student events
Reliable Education HQ

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